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6 Common Myths Regarding Family Lawyers

Jan 11, 2024

When couples are going through a divorce, family lawyers remain a popular option. According to the CDC, the current divorce rate is 2.7 per 1,000 people. However, there are quite a few misconceptions about the family law attorneys who work on these cases and others. This article will debunk the most common myths we hear about family lawyers.

1. Only Divorces

Family attorneys can assist with a divorce. However, there are several other things they can help with. In our experience, many people hire lawyers to help divide assets, settle custody disputes, provide guidance, and help file for relocation. Family legal teams are excellent mediators to help couples determine things outside the courtroom. Speak with us if you have more questions about what we do.

2. Court Preferences

Many people believe that lawyers focus on going to court to make more money. However, in our experience, that's not true. Attorneys usually try to avoid court when possible. These professionals would instead work with both sides to help them compromise. Mediating between two parties is much easier for everyone involved, including the legal team.

3. High Costs

Another common misconception is that lawyers are only for the wealthy because they are expensive. However, lawyers are available at various rates. The total cost of your specific case will depend on how complex it is. It's best to schedule an appointment with our local law firm to discuss the cost.

4. More Conflicts

Many couples headed for divorce want to avoid working with a lawyer. Some people envision a screaming attorney who creates more conflict in the situation. However, that's not a lawyer's job. Instead, lawyers are trained to defuse situations and remain calm during conflict. Hollywood's portrayals, like the screaming attorney, are often misleading.

5. Preferred Individuals

It's typical for individuals to believe that a lawyer and the court will always side with the mother or wife during a family law case. However, that's another common myth. In our experience, many states look at both parents equally regarding situations like custody. They also look at income and other variables when discussing assets and alimony.

6. Just Disputes

Family lawyers are seen as being there for disputes. They help settle cases when two people can't agree. Many people indeed hire a lawyer to help mediate or go to court. However, couples frequently hire lawyers to help them with uncontested situations. Lawyers can help you navigate a divorce or other legal situation to make the process seamless.

We understand that family legalities can be emotionally charged situations. However, you don't have to go through this time alone. Instead, contact South Atlanta Family Law to schedule a consultation today.

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